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Chocolate & Coconut Crispy Slice | Quick, Easy and Delish!

Chocolate & Coconut Crispy Slice | Quick, Easy and Delish!

Quite possibly the easiest recipe yet! A classic sweet and crunchy slice is perfect for accompanying your mid morning coffee or tea.



250g butter
1 cup castor sugar
¼ cup cocoa 
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups desiccated coconut, plus
extra for topping


3 cups icing sugar 
¼ cup cocoa
2 tbsp butter


Heat oven to 180°C and grease and line a 34cm x 24cm slice pan.

For base, melt butter, sugar & cocoa over low heat. Sift flour and baking powder. 

Add coconut and melted butter mixture and stir until combined.

Press into a lined tin and smooth with the back of a spoon. Bake for 20-25 minutes until firm around the edges.

For the icing, mix the icing sugar, cocoa, and enough boiling water to form a smooth icing. Ice while still warm and sprinkle with extra coconut. 

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