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Passionfruit Slice | Deliciously creamy & tangy!

Passionfruit Slice | Deliciously creamy & tangy!

This gorgeous Passionfruit Slice is guaranteed to brighten your day! It's sweet, tangy and irresistible!


1 cup self-raising flour
1 cup desiccated coconut
½ cup castor sugar
125 butter, melted

Passionfruit Topping
395g can condensed milk
½ cup strained fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup passionfruit pulp.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease an 18cm x 28cm slice pan and line it with baking paper. 

Combine the flour, coconut and sugar in a bowl.
Stir in the butter; mix well. Press evenly over the base of the prepared pan and bake for 15mins or until lightly browned.

Meanwhile, combine condensed milk, lemon juice and passionfruit pulp in a medium bowl. Beat with a wooden spoon until smooth.

Pour passionfruit mixture over the hot base.
Bake for a further 15 minutes or until just set.
Cool in pan and cut into pieces when cool.

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